Talos Takes

Talos’ spin on security news

Every week, our host brings on a new guest from Talos or the broader Cisco Security world to break down a complicated security topic in just five or 10 minutes. We cover everything from breaking news to attacker trends and emerging threats.

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #66: Dude, where's my bandwidth?

    “Proxyware” sounds like a complicated topic that you’re too afraid to ask about. But really, it’s just software that allows users to sell off a portion of their internet bandwidth for a small profit. Problem is, attackers are swooping in on this popular software to spread malware and steal users’ money. Edmund Brumaghin joins the show this week to discuss his recent research into proxyware applications and how malware is hiding in plain sight. Edmund discusses why these types of apps are potentially unwanted applications, and what the threat is for enterprise users with remote workers, as well as personal PC users.

    Run Time: 00:07:09

    • proxyware
    • malware
    • spam
    • scams

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #65: We're all excited to travel again, but so are attackers

    As more people around the world start to get vaccinated against COVID-19, travel is becoming easier, especially during these summer months. But as much as you may be excited to travel, so are threat actors. Asheer Malhotra was part of a team that looked into a series of campaigns targeting users in Latin America, specifically using social engineering tactics centered around travel. Some of the lure documents, in this case, include fake travel itineraries, coupons for flights and hotel reservation confirmations. Asheer joins the show this week to discuss the throughline between all these attacks and their potential connections to the Aggah crimeware group.

    Run Time: 00:07:50

    • Aggah
    • malspam
    • social engineering
    • COVID-19
    • spam
    • RATs

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #64: We go back to school

    Students are starting to go back to school across the U.S. There are plenty of things to worry about with the “new normal” while the world still combats COVID-19, and while we can’t help students, teachers and admins with everything, we can at least provide a little security advice. Nick Biasini joins the show once again to discuss the best cybersecurity practices as schools spin back up. What should parents tell their kids about electronic devices they bring home? What will IT admins have learned over the past year and a half plus? And how should we deal with the new norm of hybrid learning?

    Run Time: 00:08:35

    • school
    • remote learning
    • cheating
    • education
    • COVID-19
    • hybrid

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #63: Shield your eyes from the Solarmarker

    Andrew Windsor from our malware research team joins the show for the first time to talk about Solarmarker. This is a campaign Andrew’s followed for a while that recently added new modules that make it particularly dangerous. The attackers behind Solarmarker could basically use this threat to drop whatever they want. At least for now, they’re sticking to information-stealing. But could it ever get worse than that?

    Run Time: 00:10:23

    • malware
    • Solarmarker
    • dropper
    • Uranus
    • Mars